First Cowichan Tribes social worker dedicated to child welfare.
Discussions with Federal Government begin to transition child welfare responsibility to Cowichan Tribes.
Cowichan Chief and Council pass a resolution affirming our community’s desire to lead our own child and family wellness services. Extensive work begins shortly afterwards to lay the groundwork for creating our own child welfare law, which will focus on protection, prevention and culture.
Cowichan Tribes and BC sign agreement to begin transfer of child welfare services. Khowutzun Child and Family Services (now Lalum’utul’ Smun’eem) opens its doors.
Cowichan Tribes assumes responsibility for foster homes and for provision of guardian services.
Cowichan Tribes assumes full delegated authority over child and family wellness.
Cowichan community wants adoption work to shift and begin following Cowichan protocols and traditions.
After several community consultations and policy changes, Lalum’utul Smun’eem Child & Family Services holds its first adoption ceremony in accordance with Cowichan protocols and traditions.
A proposal submitted by Lalum’utul Smun’eem Child & Family Services was accepted by the BC Government. Work begins to develop Cowichan legislation for child and family services.
Extensive community engagement sessions held with approximately 1500 band members
The Cowichan Family Law Justice Project was created as an interim measure to work towards improving Cowichan families’ experiences with the family law justice system and ensure that Cowichan laws and legal processes are part of that experience.
Cowichan Tribes begins providing prevention services for the community. Cowichan Tribes Child and Family Justice Pilot Project funded by Law Foundation of BC.
A letter of understanding is signed between the Federal Government, BC and Cowichan Tribes on their commitment to Cowichan Tribes Nation exercising its jurisdiction over child and family wellness.
Bill C-92: An Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families receives Royal Assent
Engagement with community members including Elders, judges, province, lawyers from parents legal centre on C-92.
Cowichan Tribes Chief and Council formally give notice to the federal government of our intent to exercise jurisdiction over children and family services and develop our own law.
Chief and Council established a dedicated team for the Cowichan Tribes Child and Family Wellness Project and five sub-committees with membership consisting of Elder, community, youth and technical experts. Sub-committees and community working groups continue to meet regularly to advance this work.
Tri-partite negotiation table focuses on developing coordination agreement, law and service delivery model
The Child and Family Wellness Project Team conducts 20+ community engagement sessions, featuring two off-reserve events and live-streamed sessions, sharing information about our Law and gathering input from citizens.
Sign coordination agreement to reclaim jurisdiction or defer if more time is needed.
Signing of coordination agreement and transfer of jurisdiction; staged implementation of our Law.